The Daisy Clinic Trust

The Daisy Clinic Trust was founded in 2009.

The Daisy Clinic is a specialised clinic providing osteopathic care for children with special needs. It is staffed by up to 12 osteopaths who work under the guidance of two highly experienced international teachers of Paediatric Osteopathy.

The purposes of the Trust are:

1. To provide Osteopathic Care to children whose parents may otherwise not afford it. We accept referrals from foundations such as Barnados and referrals from Health Visitors and Doctors.

2. To support the long-term care of children with Special Needs (our interpretation of Special Needs is wide – please contact us to find out more).

3. To train experienced, qualified Osteopaths in the specialised care of children.

4. To provide the highest possible levels of collaborative experience and skill in osteopathy to these children.

Treatment cost is by donation only (the suggested donation of €30 but if you cannot afford that, please do not be deterred).

Daisy Days are once a month for most months of the year.

If you wish for your child, or the child you care for, to benefit from this clinic, please call 052 6138800 or email and mention your interest in the Daisy Clinic.

Read more about the Daisy Clinic’s amazing work in The Nationalist, September 2017

Daisy Clinic Trust Gallery

Book your appointment

To book an appointment or to speak with an osteopath about your condition, please call us on 052 61 38800 or fill our contact form.

Please try to call first, as our response will be more immediate.

Book your appointment

To book an appointment or to speak with an osteopath about your condition, please call us on 052 61 38800 or fill our contact form.

Please try to call first, as our response will be more immediate.